Today marks National Girl Child Day in India.
Observed annually on January 24, National Girl Child Day aims to raise awareness about gender inequalities in Indian society. This day brings to mind an old story that I’ve long wanted to publish as a photo feature.
I once encountered a teenage girl drying corn kernels under the scorching sun in the Hampi region of Karnataka. The intense summer heat had already taken a toll on her delicate skin, visible through her tattered clothing. Small sticks pierced her ears, and a black thread around her neck served as her only adornment—likely the only ornaments she could afford. After speaking with her, I learned that the dried corn would be sent to a Kellogg’s factory to be processed into cornflakes and cereals for the wealthy. When I asked if she liked cornflakes, she burst into laughter and confessed that she had never tasted anything other than rice and sambar. I shamelessly captured that ‘laughter of poverty’ on film—a poignant symbol of the downtrodden in India.
Wilmer Hust
June 22, 2021
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June 22, 2021
Thank you very much for your kind words. Appreciate that. Have a great day !